Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Waiting for Alan to get better felt like a slow and agonizing process. Little did we know at the time - a month long hospitalization isn't so bad.

Alan got his chest closed up with staples.

Then started to open his eyes.

Got extubated and switched from ventillator to Cpap machine. One of our favorite nurses, Sarah, made a cut-out binky so Alan could keep it in his mouth even with the Cpap.

And of course learned to make spit bubbles. A very important skill.
And finally - started breathing on his own and getting fed mommy's milk.
And got snuggles from dad.
And finally got to move up to some sweeter digs. Left the CICU and got a penthouse 9th floor set up in the CPCU.
Sweet crib. This is Alan getting one of his feeds. He went home on about half feeding by mouth, and half by tube but caught on pretty quick to where he didn't need the ng tube.

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